Saturday, April 23, 2011


Hey, Hooray!  Tomorrow is Easter!  Another reason to celebrate the life and mission of Jesus Christ!  After church, DH and I will head over to our kiddos` and our grand  kiddo`s  place to celebrate with a dinner.  DH will be making some of his awesome mashed potatoes.  So there goes my diabetic control.   Mashed potatoes and cheese are hard to resist.  No, I won’t be making my grandson any cookies this year.  I love him far too much to poison him with sugar.  I want health and strength to be with him for life, and surely no beguiling treat will tempt him from my kitchen.  But there is hope on the horizon!  A new product has been developed made from beans and flax seeds that will play no tricks on your blood sugar.  These things are called “Beanitoes” and are made in San Antonio.  A Texas solution!  And they are so good!
So, please join me raising my voice in praises to my Savior.  For all the good that has touched our lives, for each other.   Happy Easter!
Eggs boil in the sun oven, water free, in less than three hours!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Never Give Up

 I arose this morning and looked at my bathroom.  It was gleaming!  Yesterday,  I decided to shine the mirrors, de-clutter the counter,  and scrub the sink.   I am following the beginning suggestions of  I then scrubbed the sink counter until it shone and took care of the toilet.  It took me a while, and much effort to remain standing long enough to shine it all but the gleaming that met my eyes this morning made it well worth it.  Today, I will try to de-cloud the shower door.  I have not been able to do so much in that room since I could walk!  There are still some spots in there that I cannot reach to clean but I am excited to be able to have some control again…just give me time!  Never give up.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Today is Sunday so DH (Darling Husband) and I went to all three meetings of church.  That is herculean in scope.  I can sit in my wheelchair quite happily, but three hours with minimally safe handicapped ladies room is a real challenge for me.  I am grateful we could make the whole trip safely today because attending church meetings regularly is one key to happiness.
So what am I doing in this wheelchair?  I wish I could tell you.  I have seen the best doctors from Johns Hopkins to Boston’s best to Dallas’ finest.  I have followed their orders and submitted to more spinal taps than anyone should have to bear.  They have no clue what’s wrong with me and I am tired of trusting in them and their drugs.  Their drugs brought on the diabetes which I now battle.  Goodness I seem to be venting my frustrations.
I know that people are largely responsible for their own health and I accept responsibility for mine.  But I have no answer.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wheat for Breakfast

I tried it again.  Could not find the thermos so I commandeered a container with the  most insulation we have, complete with a lid  and put in 1/2 cup wheat with 1 cup hot water.  It did not stay warm either but it did the trick.  By morning the wheat was soft and chewy and delicious!  I drizzled some honey over the top and enjoyed.  DH liked it too!  Point one  seems to be to get a real THERMOS. Point two is to remember the honey!!!        

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What Happened

Breakfast at long last. My DH brought me an egg in the hole. Cooked just right.  He makes breakfast for me to make sure I get a good one after my meds.  I ask him to bring the wheat.  He delivers it in a Tupperware bowl.  I am chagrined. Where was the thermos?  It was supposed to be still hot.  My DH confesses that he chose not to use the thermos. Would that have made the difference?  We can use the humor!!! DH then pulls out a serving of sugar-free cherry jello, made with yesterday's hot water.  I squeal with delight at this thoughtfulness, as I am diabetic and love the sweet taste of jello. He then says that he misread the thermostat yesterday.  The oven was only 200 degrees but it was hot enough for jello!
  OK, guys, I promise to make this blog more helpful as I continue to learn to blog. And get a bit more control over my DH!

again I try...

I have a food supply, to meet our needs should an emergency arise.  I am wriring this as a teaching tool so that my daughters can benefit from the knowlege I gain about how to use all this stuff point by point and as simply as I can say. My kids are sharp but what would become of them if I gave them a bag of wheat, whole and healthful and told them to make breakfast.  And then if the electricity went off... would they know how to use my solar oven?  I don't even know that!  So I will learn and post step by step and share as I learn.
     OK, Kids....

This blogging stuff will take some time to perfect.  Please be patient with me. Yesterday, I put  some water in the solar oven.  It heated up to about 250 degrees.  Great!  We put it in for about four hours(quite long).  It shouldn't take so long but that is how long I left it.  Nothing burned...nothing boiled over--hey it is a solar oven. I asked my DH(darling husband) to combine the cup of soaking wheat after draining it and two cups solar heated water in a thermos and let it sit overnight. It would be ready to eat.  Simple n'est pas?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Who I Am

Hi!  My name is Mary and I'm a lady who has everything I ever truly wanted in life.  I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I believe in eternal families and have lived in harmony with the principles that will give me that.  I learned about Temple Marriage and I made sure to date good men who could take me to the Holy Temple when it came time to be married.  From that group of good faithful men, I chose the best, most faithful one of all and married him. Then we set up our family. My father was not a member of our church for years and oh how I wanted to be sealed to him and my brothers and sisters and my dear mother. Through our faithfulness we finally received that blessing.  My father joined and was baptized in the Persian  Gulf.  Soon my  parents invited us to join them in the Temple to be sealed together as a family.  I am so grateful for the Priesthood and the authority  of sealings that can unite families forever.  So there you are. My every last dream- fulfilled.